PhD/Research Engineer in Machine Learning & Computer Vision

Welcome to my personal page!

My story

I am a Research Engineer/Scientist in Machine Learning & Computer Vision, based in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France (in parisian region or Île-de-France).

I obtained my engineering degree in electronic and informatics from INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) de Centre Val de Loire (Blois, France) in 2016, as well as my Master's degree in Robotic, Control and Signal Processing at Université d'Orléan. Later I earned my doctorate in Computer Vision and Machine Learning at Université de Tours. The topic of my thesis was to develop a collaborative multi-camera tracking system, which was part of a research project, named LUMINEUX - or 'luminous' in English, aiming to develop a system of intelligent sensors in city for smart street lighting, traffic control, etc.

After finishing my PhD in 2020, I joined a start-up, named XXII Group, based at Puteaux (next to Paris), France to develop a video analytic platform, called XXII-SmartCity/Infra, which analyses videos from cameras in real-time to detect incidents, traffic monitoring, etc. The system are deployed in multiple cites across France, Europe and the US.

Here is my resumé (link).

My research projects

  • Real-time Multiple Object Tracking in multiple camera systems (page)
  • Scalable vehicle/person Re-Identification systems
  • Out-of-Distribution and Distribution Shift problems in Machine Learning and Computer Vision (e.g. object detection, segmentation) (page)
  • Develop real-time Open-Vocabulary/ Zero/One/Few-shot Object Detection model (named YOLO-CLIP) based on vision-Language Pretrained models, e.g. CLIP (OpenAI), Flamingo (Deepmind), GLIP (Microsoft)
  • Object detecion and tracking in collaborative and distributed multiple camera systems (My doctoral thesis)

My publications

  • LE, Quoc Cuong, Donatello CONTE et Moncef HIDANE (sept. 2018). “Online Multiple View Tracking : Targets Association Across Cameras”. In : 6th Workshop on Activity Monitoring by Multiple Distributed Sensing (AMMDS 2018). Newcastle, United Kingdom. [Paper]
  • LE, Quoc Cuong, Donatello CONTE et Moncef HIDANE (jan. 2021). “Unbalanced Optimal Transport in Multi-Camera Tracking Applications”. In : International Conference on Pattern Recognition. T. 12665. ICPR 2021 : Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges. Milan, Italy : Springer International Publishing, p. 327-343. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-68821-9\_30. [Paper]
  • LE, Quoc Cuong et Moncef HIDANE (mars 2020). “Appearance features for online multiple camera multiple target tracking”. In : SAC '20 : 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Brno, Czech Republic. DOI : 10.1145/3341105.3373960. [Paper]

My Interests

My main research interests are Computer Science in general, but especially, Machine Learning and Vision Machine. I'm also eager to learn more about Physics and Maths.

My Thoughts

Articles I've written.

Oct 26, 2023
Oct 26, 2023
Oct 04, 2023
May 11, 2023